01. Amity & More

From the first idea called AMITICAS, the first friends shared the same life values, shared aspirations, thereby cultivating the will to help each person dare to step beyond their comfort zone to dream of bigger things. just for yourself.

Together we have gone through a journey of studying, working, working hard, wholeheartedly supporting and developing to build a truly prosperous life for ourselves and our companions. On September 9, 2019, Ami&M was officially born. Amity & More - Home of Friendship and more.




Here, we can live and work to the fullest, be attached and connected with friends we call BROTHERS – AM, and be able to break through our own limits to develop and unleash challenges. and enthusiastically stick together to create the values ​​we believe in!

02. AmiROSE

The word AMIROSE is the 7 typical personality traits in Ami&M's culture, and is also the pride of every AM when talking about the organization where they are affiliated.

Amity - Love of friends

Ami&M is a meeting place for companions who share the same value orientation with the desire to create resonance in sustainable development.

Modesty - Humility

At Ami&M, each individual is respected and treated equally. Regardless of position, AM always sincerely exchanges and gives feedback to each other with a respectful attitude and suggestive solutions to become better; Practice listening with a spirit of inquiry, strive to change, lower your personal ego, immerse yourself in AM so that you can shine brightly in your own way.

Initiative - Proactive

At work, AM proactively deploys, communicates and coordinates with relevant parties in assigned tasks; Proactively report progress and changes/adjustments, if any. Proactively accept and propose work while resources are available with the highest sense of responsibility.


Responsibility is how AM executes and completes the work it undertakes with a commitment to achieving the highest results based on compliance with relevant Standards, Rules, Regulations and Instructions.

Ollin - Wholeheartedly

Each AM concentrates all resources, puts all seriousness and attention to complete the work he has received, and fulfills his commitment to what has been said. The decision is to eliminate all other options. Not "standing on this mountain and looking at that mountain", not "getting greedy" is the way to focus all your energy and persevere in pursuing the chosen goals.


The path Ami&M is walking is a journey of friends who are always ready to give each other time, enthusiasm, knowledge, experience, trust, respect... without seeking to receive anything in return.

Envisioning - Self-improvement

Self-improvement is done by AM through: Choosing and Reading books properly; Write out; Learn from others; Participate in appropriate training programs and seminars to accumulate more knowledge; Review and learn lessons after each journey; Share knowledge, spread and foster good life values ​​to guide and/or contribute to the success of Companions.

03. AmiHOPE

The welfare policy at Ami&M is abbreviated as HOPE (Hope).

That's where every AM spends 8 hours a day working in a space rich in care and where bright smiles await. On his career journey, AM will have clear development directions, plans for a solid future and be enriched with knowledge. The journey at Ami&M is a journey of happiness because there is love, doing what you love and loving what you do.

Hygge Inspiration office

From unique, beautiful office spaces to inspiring work environments!


The first impression when coming to Ami&M is probably a beautiful office, a place we lovingly call “hygge” [hYg:e] – a Danish word that carries the meaning of peace and happiness. and the feeling of returning.

“Hygge” originates from the founder’s sincerity, with the desire to bring the most convenience and comfort to his companions. The office is designed with open space, full of green life; Each corner of the layout is arranged with the utmost care and meticulousness. At Ami&M, we “check in” to welcome the new day with a delicious cup of coffee, a warm cup of tea in the corner of the cool green balcony; We recharge our energy and love life more with beautiful flower vases and good books.

A very “hygge” atmosphere at Ami&M – a creative office, always filled with laughter and warm friendship, where every AM feels happy, loved, trusted and proud of their work. what we have chosen.

Orientation Orientation

“Tell us about the person you want to become and the life you want in 5 years, 10 years.”

This is the first question that each candidate must answer if they want to join our team we.

Building a personal development roadmap with the support of “mentors” is Ami&M’s way to help each person see themselves, promote their own strengths, compensate for imperfections, find a reason for living, achieve the big goal of your life. Accompanying each individual on the journey to discover and affirm their self-worth is one of the ways Ami&M elevates itself to “take off”.

image Elevate yourself to "take off".

Plan Plan

Welfare fund ensures life for AM on long journeys!

Huu Tri Fund

If you know that the average age of Ami&M’s Board of Directors is less than 40, you will be surprised that we have built both a Pension Fund and an F2 Development Fund. At Ami&M, we call each other A and M as the first letter of our name. Perhaps nowhere else will you come across such a strange email address or way of addressing someone. A Minh, A Vinh, M Hang, M Yen… all names like that have become familiar to us, as well as the “specialties” only found at Ami&M that have brought us from small families to become big families. relatives in a large family. Ami&M family is where we together create a better life for ourselves, for our companions and for society. Ami&M Pension Fund was created as a way for each member’s life to be completely guaranteed in the present and future, thereby allowing them to focus all their energy and will on Ami&M’s development goals.

F2 training fund

Building a like-minded AM team, focusing on attracting and training talented young staff, consistent with corporate culture, is considered by Ami&M to be one of the prerequisites to realize its vision and practice. strategic exam. The F2 Development Fund was created to train the best talents suitable for Ami&M’s unique culture, people who are qualified to lead Ami&M to new heights. One of the subjects prioritized by the F2 Training Fund is the children and grandchildren of Ami&M members. Each person not only unleashes their passion and meets their own desires, but also brings joy to their family and gives their children the opportunity to develop. We believe that the knowledge and personality cultivated, the aspirations and values ​​transmitted from an early age to each employee’s children and grandchildren are the way for good things to be inherited, multiplied and continued at Ami&M.

Enrich Enrich

Cultivate spiritual wealth through reading books


A characteristic feature of the "Ami&M office identity" is the bookcase, where each book is hand-selected and arranged by the founder.

This is a gift and also a challenge for every AM who has to overcome all 99 "steps" - read and understand all 99 books to "cultivate into righteousness" and succeed the Founder. At Ami&M, we understand that books are a priceless and endless treasure of knowledge, and reading is the most effective way to keep your mind young. Ready to learn, constantly discovering new things through every page, we cultivate wealth for both mind and soul, to elevate ourselves and become more perfect versions of ourselves.

04. AmiSTEP

S-T-E-P, 4 letters symbolize the working methods applied at Ami&M. These are effective tools that every AM is "equipped" with right when starting work at Ami&M.

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01. Seven Steps Process

The work implementation process at Ami&M is summarized by the founder as consisting of 7 steps.

We always start with Brainstorming – a place to share ideas among group members with advice and contributions from Consultants and Mentors. The process ends at step 7 with a discussion with the topic question “Can be better” – Can it be better? Ami&M believes that exchanging and building and gaining experience is the way to help us improve and improve work efficiency.

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02. Team of Teams

At Ami&M, each AM is a “multi-tasking” warrior with 70-80% of working time spent performing tasks assigned by direct leaders, and the remaining 20-30% is spent participating in tasks assigned by the direct leader. Contribute to projects in different roles.

Team of teams is a method of optimizing human resources, so that each member of the organization has the opportunity to discover and maximize their own abilities, enhance mutual understanding and develop together to become “superheroes”. the most talented” team.

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03. Execution Discipline

Placing itself in the flow of the integration era, Ami&M clearly understands the importance of establishing a management system to implement effective business strategies.

Applying the 9-step implementation process – The Balanced ScoreCard with Balanced Scorecard, Strategy Map, and Essential Principles in implementing work is chosen by us as the optimal solution to improve strategy implementation capacity. strategy as well as work efficiency.

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04. Project Management Professional

Work at Ami&M is operated on a project model, each project is implemented and managed using PMP tools from construction to delivery of results.

Leading AMs and core AMs are trained in knowledge, tools and skills according to PMP to minimize risks, maximize efficiency and improve the success of each project.

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